Tea Burn Reviews-Do You Really Lose Weight With A Cup of Tea?

17 min readJan 2, 2023


Tea burn, a herbal green tea

Tea Burn is a slimming tea made with premium plant-based ingredients. It triggers the metabolism and dissolves stubborn fat layers, using this fat to power your body!

Tea Burn is an advanced weight loss supplement for tea drinkers. The official website claims Tea Burn is an easy way to lose weight without any additional effort — just drink regular cups of tea and the body will magically start losing weight on its own. This idea sounds a lot less tedious than going through dieting, having rigorous exercise routines, or even going for surgery; which all seem much more difficult compared to adding this powder when you make your next cup of tea!

Price Drop Alert — you can buy tea burn from the official website right now!

Tea Burn Reviews

Tea Burn Reviews

Understanding The Product!

Tea and coffee are the two most famous drinks globally, with lots of variations, flavors, and tastes. From the regular black or green tea, you can find specialized herbal teas such as oolong tea, turmeric tea, ginger tea, and others. All these teas contain a high amount of antioxidants and flavonoids; all which offer medicinal benefits. But another reason that makes them so popular is the soothing and relaxing effect they offer after consumption — aiding people who need it during an especially stressful day. However much we’ve been told about how beneficial it is for us to drink more cups of these beverages — what many haven’t heard about before was this little factoid: Tea has properties which aid in weight loss?

Although this sounds unusual, but it is true. Tea can help you lose weight if used right; there is plenty of research about tea suggesting how it may trigger natural weight loss when combined with diet and exercise. It does even better when you use a specialized blend with particular benefits for metabolism. The flavonoids within your choice of tea work on your metabolism and fix the issues that make it slow, allowing the body to burn more fat at all times — this suggests the potential for weight-loss from drinking tea. But what about those ingredients? Why would we need them?

Features Of TEA BURN!

The best-selling tea on the market

GMP certified facilities

Tea Burn slimming tea is manufactured in FDA approved GMP certified facilities in the USA, so you can have peace of mind knowing that our products are safe for you and your family.

Zero side effects

There are no reported adverse effects to drinking Tea Burn because it’s made with natural ingredients, such as green tea extract and L-theanine. Just make sure to drink plenty of water as recommended by your doctor.

Easier than dieting

Instead of going through the hassle of calorie counting, exercise routine maintenance, and feeling frustrated by not seeing results, Tea Burn offers a simpler way for you to achieve your weight loss goals.

Benefits of TEA BURN!

Below are some of the many great benefits that tea burn offers.

1-Helps transform metabolism and initiate natural fat loss.

Spot reduction from stubborn fat areas such as tummy, arms, thighs, and hips.

1-Helps transform metabolism and initiate natural fat loss.

2-Reduces appetite, saves from recurring hunger pangs, and saves from emotional eating

3-Increase my energy levels and maintain them for long periods of time

4-Improve immunity and boost cognitive functions

5-A long-term weight management solution

6-Saves you from the life-threatening risks of being obese — such as high cholesterol, heart problems, hypertension, diabetes type 2.

6-No need to measure the dosage as it comes in pre-weight sachets — just one sachet per day is enough. If you don’t want anyone else knowing about your weight loss, Tea Burn can be used at home and no one will ever suspect anything.

Enhances your general well-being

Living healthily brings an energized sense of joy and contentment. Tea Burn, made up of green tea extract, L-carnitine, and other vital components, works to alleviate stress and rid the body of toxic materials.

Tea Burn claims its natural blend of vitamins promotes weight loss and sustains healthy blood pressure, while also contributing to improved emotional wellbeing.

Unlike other dietary supplements which may modify the appearance, flavor, or smell of your tea, Tea Burn keeps its natural taste and characteristics.

With Tea Burn, its addition to your favorite tea doesn’t alter the taste, yet it reinforces the beneficial effects. Its dissolution in tea is effortless and you can enjoy the same taste as before.

Tea Burn Boosts Metabolism & Energy Levels

Tea Burn

Tea Burn is a natural supplement that helps people lose weight by promoting metabolism and maintaining healthy blood pressure. It contains ingredients that improve metabolism and speed up the weight loss process.

Tea Burn supplement contains chlorogenic acid, an ester compound which helps to break down carbohydrates slowly, leading to improved metabolism and fat burning, resulting in a healthier lifestyle.

Chlorogenic acid has the power to reduce cholesterol, enhance fat burning capabilities, and sustain stable blood sugar and insulin levels.

Tea Burn-Scientific Evidence

Each ingredient of Tea Burn is meticulously sourced, carefully measured and extensively third-party lab-tested to guarantee efficacy. Comprising of green tea extract, green coffee bean extract, and multiple amino acids; this blend of scientifically validated ingredients helps maximize the benefit for its users.

An experiment conducted at the National Institute of Health in Japan revealed that when overweight women ingested 200 mg of l-theanine daily over a period of 30 days, they experienced a weight reduction of up to 5%.

Investigations have uncovered that L-theanine may be beneficial in the treatment of depression. For a six-week period, researchers supplied depressed individuals either with 100 mg of L-theanine or an imitation three times each day. When the trial was over, those who had taken L-theanine declared less severe symptoms of depression and enhanced sleep quality.

A study revealed that green tea extract is not only effective at eliminating toxins from the body, but also expediting the process of weight loss.

Studies demonstrate that Tea Burn can assist with weight loss through its inclusion of L-carnitine. This ingredient promotes fat burning, as it increases metabolism to expedite the body’s burning of stubborn adipose tissue.

Tea Burn, fortified with green coffee beans, has been shown to be an effective weight-loss supplement in studies. Green coffee bean extract was found to reduce body fat significantly.

Caffeine intake has been associated with weight loss in a few studies. One of these research projects found that adults carrying excess weight and consuming two cups of coffee daily had lost almost 3 pounds after six weeks. An additional study revealed that women who were obese but consumed three cups of java each day gained less than those only drinking one cup.

Research has revealed that taking chromium supplements can make one more sensitive to insulin, which is the hormone that regulates the usage of energy within the body.

A twelve-month study involving women found that taking chromium supplements not only heightened their insulin sensitivity, but also reduced their overall fat storage. Examining before and after results showed a considerable reduction in abdominal fat for those who took the supplement, while the control group without chromium experienced no change.

Recent studies have determined that when given a supplement of chromium, a group of men experienced an overall reduction in food intake after eating a meal with proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

After their meal, the researchers took a measurement of their blood glucose. Those that ingested the chromium supplement displayed lower levels than those who received the placebo.


tea burn ingredients

What Constitutes Tea Burn’s Breakthrough Formula?

According to health experts, the best way to estimate how something might affect someone is through an examination of its contents. One such list would contain all the ingredients in a product which indicate how it will affect people. Currently, we are aware of every single detail about this particular item and you can read them all online at the company’s official website.

  • Caffine.
  • L-Theanine
  • Minerals.
  • Green Tea Extracts.
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract.

These are all scientifically backed ingredients and won’t give you any allergies either. With natural products, you’re less likely to experience an allergy reaction. But if you’ve had a history of allergic reactions to food in the past, it’s best to double check what you’re putting inside your body because sometimes there can still be traces left over even if it says all natural. Make sure to take care when drinking caffeinated beverages because they can cause side effects like jitters or irregular heart rates depending on how sensitive someone is!


A number of studies indicate that ingesting two mugs of coffee daily may bring about a remarkable reduction in weight, yet other research implies no correlation between drinking coffee and losing weight.

By occupying the adenosine receptors, caffeine prevents adenosine from binding and performing its normal functions. As a neurotransmitter, adenosine usually works to modulate activity between nerve cells, slowing down neural activity in certain regions of the brain and quickening it in others.

By attaching to adenosine receptors, caffeine suppresses them, prompting heightened action in distinct areas of the brain. This includes the hypothalamus, which once caffeine is linked to its adenosinergic receptors releases dopamine — a neurotransmitter regulating appetite and thirst. When this occurs, one may experience an increase in both happiness and energy.

As a result, metabolism accelerates and more calories are burned.


Research has revealed that L-theanine, an amino acid, can significantly reduce stress. This natural supplement aids in relaxation of muscles and lowers anxious feelings. An investigation conducted by Japanese scientists indicated that participants who ingested L-theanine before engaging in physical activity had lower cortisol concentrations than those who did not consume the supplement. Cortisol is a hormone secreted from adrenal glands that sparks tension and anxiety.

As part of the same research, volunteers completed cognitive arithmetic exercises while their cortisol levels were measured. Those that consumed l-theanine experienced substantially lower cortisol concentrations.

To conclude, l-theanine could potentially improve memory retention. This was seen in a research study from the University of Illinois, where mice with Alzheimer’s were administered L-theanine daily for two months and subjected to tests related to cognition and recollection. Results showed that these rodents scored higher than their counterparts that did not receive any L-theanine.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract (GTE) is an effective supplement for those wishing to slim down. Derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, it hails from China and Korea.

Chlorophyll, a compound native to plants, is responsible for their green hue. Found in green tea too, catechins — a type of polyphenol — are antioxidants with the power to ward off free radicals. Free radicals have the potential to cause damage to cellular DNA and other components.

During normal metabolic processes, free radicals are generated; additionally, exposure to toxins like cigarette smoke and air pollution can also cause their creation.

It has been observed that Green Tea Extract (GTE) heightens thermogenesis — the natural phenomenon that generates heat in our bodies. Consequently, this can result in calorie burning while we are asleep.


Chromium is a crucial mineral necessary for balancing glucose levels. Insufficient amounts can lead to diabetes and the inability to absorb insulin properly.

When the body is no longer responding to insulin as it should, insulin resistance sets in. Insulin acts as a hormone to control blood glucose levels and when these do not correspond with the expected amounts, long-term health complications such as heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes can ensue.

Chromium has been found to not only regulate blood sugar levels, but it also aids in the acceleration of metabolic processes that are essential for maintaining energy. These metabolic reactions provide our bodies with the fuel necessary for proper functioning.


Essential to fat metabolism, L-carnitine is a nutrient commonly found in animal products such as meat, eggs, fish, dairy and yogurt. It works by moving fatty acids into the cells so they can be used for energy production.

An excess of calories results in your body converting them to fat, which can accumulate in varying areas depending on the amount of physical activity and nutrition you consume.

A layer of fat surrounding your midsection is classified as visceral fat. This type of fat serves as an active metabolic tissue that emits hormones and chemicals into the bloodstream, thus impacting your cravings, feelings, sleeping patterns, and overall health.

Metabolic syndrome, a confluence of issues including obesity, high blood pressure, increased triglyceride levels, decreased HDL (beneficial) cholesterol, and resistance to insulin can all be attributed to excess visceral fat.

Metabolic syndrome is a predictor for conditions like coronary artery disease and stroke, which increase one’s likelihood of cardiovascular issues.

Studies indicate that those with more visceral fat accumulate extra pounds quicker than the rest. It implies that an excess of this type of fat may be associated with weight gain.

Coffee Extract

Enthusiasts of coffee can revel in the news that its caffeine content is known to heighten metabolism. Additionally, it invigorates the central nervous system and amplifies cognitive capacity.

Researchers are continuing to examine the association between coffee and fat loss. One idea is that caffeine may elevate caloric expenditure, while another concept suggests it could inhibit hunger pangs.

The quantity of caffeine found in coffee ranges considerably. While some may hold up to 200 milligrams for every 8 ounces, others possess only 10 mg. If aiming to limit caffeine consumption, start by reducing the intake to no more than 100 mg a day. Gradually work down to 50 mg or even 25 if needed.

Visit the Official Website for information on tea burn ingredients and their benefits.

How do you use Tea Burn Powder?

The company has provided complete instructions on how to use this powder. As mentioned before, Tea Burn comes in a powdered form and should be added to any hot beverage (preferably iced tea) to initiate the metabolic boosting effect. You can also mix it into coffee or warm water if you are not a fan of tea. This combination makes for an energizing metabolism-boosting combo that triggers the body into breaking down stubborn fat cells. Meanwhile, the product suppresses one’s appetite and fixes problems like sluggishness (which leads to lessening one’s metabolic rate).

According to the website, here is how anyone would go about using Tea Burn for weight loss purposes

Take one sachet of Instant Clear Shot and add it to a mug of coffee (or tea) — whatever you prefer. Stir the drink until it dissolves, within 5–10 seconds. Drink the liquid like any other beverage on a normal day; there is no set time to take the dosage. If you want to take it before or after a heavy meal, feel free! It works well either way. The best option for taking this every day is during midday hours — typically between breakfast and lunchtime — since that will allow its effects to last throughout the day.

The ingredients include caffeine, which means increased energy levels and motivation! Use these benefits responsibly — never before bedtime if you’re interested in getting proper sleep at night without interruption.

Tea Burn Safety Evaluation

Herbal products are mostly safe for human consumption and herbal tea seldom causes a side effects in any user. Tea Burn is made of herbal ingredients and none of them can go wrong. People who have already used it say it is a risk-free and safe weight loss option. Still, there are a few things everyone should know before using this weight-loss tea:

1) all weight-loss supplements you find around are meant for adults only

2) if the product does not specify its intended market (e.g., children), then its target audience will be adults

3) women who are pregnant or breastfeeding their babies should avoid taking weight reduction supplements unless prescribed by their physicians

4) elderly adults with low immunity, frequent digestive complaints, or other underlying health problems should speak to a doctor first about whether they need these supplements.

Where can I find affordable Tea Burn?

Tea Burn powder is currently in stock and available for purchase online from the Official Website. All orders are placed through the website with door-to-door delivery service provided to all customers across North America. Payment can be made online in advance and there will not be an order until full payment has been processed successfully.

Don’t spend your time looking for this product locally; you won’t find it anywhere else! Order Tea Burn weight loss powder right now using this link from the Official Website.


As it states, the price for this product is fair and justifiable given the many benefits associated with this particular weight-loss mix. One can buy one, three or six packages at once, but the price decreases if you purchase more than one package.

  • Buy one pack of Tea Burn for $49 + FREE Shipping.
  • Buy three packs of Tea Burn for $117 + FREE Shipping.
  • Buy six-packs of Tea Burn for $204 + FREE Shipping.

One package has thirty doses and is packaged in thirty individual sachets. One pack should last you an entire month; however, if there will be multiple people using the product then purchase bundle packs so that there isn’t any confusion about when you need to buy a new pack. Bundle packs are also cheaper than purchasing one pack every month!


Photo by Carli Jeen on Unsplash

1-What is Tea Burn ?

Tea Burn is made of premium plant-based ingredients to ensure the best quality for all of your health needs.

The tea has been scientifically proven to help you drop weight quickly and easily.

Results in days: Users have reported seeing results as early as a few days after their first cup of Tea Burn.

2-What is the Optimal Time for Drinking Tea Burn?

You are not limited to only consuming Tea Burn with your morning tea; you can take this supplement any time of the day that you are drinking tea, in order to reap its many health benefits.

3- Can I drink Tea Burn every day?

For optimal results, try to keep your daily caffeine intake in check when using Tea Burn mix, as it already contains a certain amount of caffeine.

4-Is it permissible to consume tea with other drinks?

Tea Burn’s weight loss supplement is tailored to maximize the impact of your daily cup of tea. Though you may consume this product with other drinks, Tea Burn provides optimal results when enjoyed with your morning brew.

5-How many cups of Tea Burn should I drink in a day?

To ensure a safe level of caffeine intake, users of Tea Burn powder should limit their daily consumption of tea or coffee. Alternately, they can monitor their caffeine intake and make sure it does not exceed a safe amount; however, they should only add the supplement to one cup per day.

6-How much weight can I lose in a month if I drink 3 cups of Tea Burn a day?

The majority of people are able to consume 3–4 cups (710–950 ml) of tea per day without ill effects, yet excessive consumption could have deleterious outcomes, such as headaches, disturbed sleep, digestive issues, and even anxiety. Even moderate intake might produce unwanted reactions in certain individuals.

7-What kind of tea is used in the Tea Burn formula?

Compounding this formulation involves incorporating l-carnitine, l-theanine, chromium, chlorogenic acid, and green tea extract.

8-What are some benefits of drinking Tea Burn regularly?

The health advantages of drinking Tea Burn with tea regularly were brought to light — these include enhanced mental wellbeing, controlled blood pressure levels, and more.

9-Is there any scientific evidence to suggest that tea can make you lose weight?

Studies suggest that tea can directly aid in weight loss. Compounds known as catechins, found in teas, may speed up metabolism and help the body to process fats more quickly while increasing calorie burn.

10-Can I drink it on an empty stomach?

There are two types of tea: unfermented and fermented. It’s best to drink a fermented tea on an empty stomach because it can lower the risk of stomach acid reflux. On the other hand, unfermented teas should be drunk on a full stomach because they can produce gas in your gut and make you bloated.

Consuming a meal before drinking can be beneficial, potentially reducing the intensity of feeling drunk or hungover. However, Dr. Raj advises against consuming alcohol on an empty stomach — as it’s not likely to end well. Moderation is key no matter what!

11-Do I need to take any precautions?

The Tea Burn official website asserts that it is completely safe and without adverse effects, which is also corroborated by user reviews. It provides convenience of use as well as peace of mind, being composed of all-natural ingredients with no dangerous chemicals present.

12-What is the recommended tea temperature?

To make the best cup of white or green tea, it should be brewed between 170 to 185°F. Oolong tea should be steeped in hot water between 180 to 190°F. Black and herbal teas can achieve maximum flavor at temperatures of 208 to 212°F.

13-Is it safe to place an order with us?

Shopping for Tea Burn on its official website guarantees your order is both safe and secure. Your personal details are safeguarded through 256-bit encryption, so you can confidently make a purchase with peace of mind.

14-How much tea should I Order?

To gain optimal weight-loss advantages, you should obtain a minimum of 3 or 6 Tea Burn pouches. Not only does the supplement contribute to how much you slim down, but also your adherence to its regular use.

Consuming Tea Burn capsules on a daily basis can lead to decreased body fat and heightened energy levels.

15-How are customers responding to Tea Burn?

Reviews for Tea Burn are positive, showing it to be a highly effective weight-loss supplement. Its powerful ingredients combat the negative impacts of excess bodyweight and empower users to lead more fulfilled lives.

16-Is Tea Burn eligible for a refund in the event of dissatisfaction?

Tea Burn creators believe that if the product doesn’t assist you in considerable fat loss, their money-back guarantee will. Every element of the supplement is exhaustively examined before it’s included in Tea Burn to ensure maximum weight-loss effectiveness.

In the event that a product is not producing the desired results for an individual, it is neither due to their lack of aptitude nor the company’s negligence. It could be likely that the elements contained within do not sync with the user’s physiology.

Tea Burn offers a 60-day, no-questions-asked refund policy. If you’re dissatisfied with the product’s results or find that it has not significantly aided in weight loss, reach out to customer service to obtain your reimbursement.

17-How much does Tea Burn cost?

According to the official website, a bottle is priced at $69 with additional shipping charges when purchased.

For long-term weight loss benefits, you can purchase three pouches of this supplement for a 90 day supply for $147 plus shipping.

Tea Burn is conveniently offered in a 180-day supply of 6 pouches for just $204, with no additional cost to have it shipped. This pricing model was intentionally chosen so that the majority of individuals would be able to acquire this product without putting strain on their budget.

18-Is it safe to consume Tea Burn?

To facilitate weight loss, Tea Burn contains carefully vetted fat-burning components which have been examined in third-party laboratories. So far, there have been no side effects reported. If you’re dealing with a medical issue or are on prescription medications, please check with your doctor prior to beginning supplementation with Tea Burn.

Tea Burn has been a useful supplement for individuals of all genders to aid their weight loss. Its effects are maximized when mixed with your tea, turning it into a highly effective health drink. If you are currently pregnant or lactating, we recommend consulting with a medical professional before consuming Tea Burn.

Final Words- TEA BURN Review

Putting everything together, Tea Burn appears to be a reliable option for enhancing digestive health. The official website offers information about the product’s ingredients, benefits, usage instructions, and pricing details. Customer reviews indicate it has been successful at helping many people reach their weight-loss goals as well as maintaining that weight for many years. Moreover, it has also improved sufferers’ immune systems and increased cardiopulmonary fitness levels.

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Purchasing the product recommended through the links found in this review could potentially provide a small commission, at no additional expense to you. This is part of our way of supporting our research and editorial staff by promoting only top-notch products.




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